Editors Choice




Hair Straightening and Cancer — What Oncologists Want You to Know

THE HEADLINES ARE FRIGHTENING: “Hair-straightening chemical products linked to increased uterine cancer risk in a new study,” blares CNN. NBC News offers this: “Chemical hair straighteners linked to [a] higher risk of uterine cancer for Black women, study shows.”

How to Reduce Your Risk of Coronavirus Infection and Developing Covid-19

You cannot catch covid-19. Infection with the coronavirus (SARS-nCoV-2) can lead to you developing covid-19, the disease associated with coronavirus

Too Old to Live? The Scourge of Ageism in Medicine Cannot Be Denied

Insidious, calculated disregard for our older patients is not acceptable, and it should be called out for what it is — ageism in all its ugliness.

I Had an Emotionally Healing Vaginal Birth After my C Section.  Why VBAC May Be Right For You, Too

VBAC is the term for having a vaginal birth after you've delivered a baby by caesarian section. Many women don't realize this is an option and this is my story