



Pregnancy FAQs for the Covid-19 Pandemic

Pregnant women are scared about coronavirus. Let’s take a step back and review the basic information everyone should know.

I Had an Emotionally Healing Vaginal Birth After my C Section.  Why VBAC May Be Right For You, Too

VBAC is the term for having a vaginal birth after you've delivered a baby by caesarian section. Many women don't realize this is an option and this is my story

When You Shouldn’t Share Your Birth Story With a Pregnant Women

Birthing terror stories. Nothing makes me more upset than hearing the delivery tales of terror from friends and family that come to *support* a laboring woman

Labor Induction; What Pregnant Women Want to Know

Labor induction is a medical procedure to help women deliver their baby. Induction is performed with medications and mechanical procedures to safely deliver the baby.