Breaking Research




The Scary Reality of Modern Healthcare

We often don’t know what we are doing, but we can’t stop. Science and research never stop.

Researchers Have Stepped Into the Weird World of Science Fiction

Curing disease, growing organs, and even teaching organoids to play a computer game are sending seismic waves of hope within the research community as the potential increases exponentially.

Central Dogma has Lost its Dog

The Central Dogma of Biology. Biological information flows along a one-way street, or does it? A new paper questions the validity of long-held tennents.

Teaming Up Two Biotech Winners to Fight Cancer: CRISPR and CAR T

Advances in CAR T, a remarkable immunotherapy treatment dubbed a “living drug.” This new therapy genetically modifies a patient’s cells to fight cancer, but current research efforts hope to treat autoimmune diseases, organ damage and more.