Health News and Views




What are Vitamins and What Role do They Play in Your Health?

Learn about vitamins, what they help for, how they work and what they can and cannot do. Find out which pills are a waste of money and why.

I Had an Emotionally Healing Vaginal Birth After my C Section.  Why VBAC May Be Right For You, Too

VBAC is the term for having a vaginal birth after you've delivered a baby by caesarian section. Many women don't realize this is an option and this is my story

What is Metformin?

Metformin helps control blood sugar by multiple mechanisms. First, it decreases the production of sugar by the liver, which would help manage blood sugar

Dairy Fats Reduce Your Risk of Heart Attack, New Study Finds

Increased levels of dairy fat have been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and death, according to new research from Sweden