Health Insurance




From The Appeals Desk: The “30 Day Readmission” Denial

Insurance company denials are terribly frustrating. They delay prompt processing of claims. They require annoying extra steps to get paid. And, frequently, they require...

Privatizing Medicare: Greed is Creating a Financial Crisis for Seniors

Large health insurance companies are dominating the Medicare Advantage (MA) market and gaming the system to maximize profits. The loser in the push to privatize Medicare is seniors

Vaccinate or Pay up. Healthcare and Life Insurers are About to Solve Vaccine Hesitancy

American Healthcare and Life Cover Insurers will soon insist on Covid Vaccination. Remain unvaccinated and your premiums will rise.

The Defining Dance Between Empathy and GenAI in Health

Used wisely and to its fullest (positive) potential, augmented intelligence can extend the empathy quotient, making the wise healer more expansive. AI can unlock...