



Understanding Breast Conditions and Treatments

An alphabetical list of breast conditions including follow-up steps and treatments that may be recommended by your health care provider. Some of these breast conditions are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer

LLM Cancer Mentor “Dave AI” Offers WAZE-like 24/7 Personalized Support, Making it a Game-Changer in Patient Care

Eliran Malki and Belong.Life Help People Navigate Cancer Care with an On-Demand AI Coach with Life-Sustaining Potential

No Hope for Older Patients in Cancer Clinical Trials Thanks to Bias

Hope is one thing that can keep patients alive, but when older cancer patients are not even considered for clinical trials, how can they maintain hope?

Researchers Control Cancer Treatment With New Innovation: CAR T Switch(Blade)

This is a series on the advances in CAR T, a remarkable immunotherapy treatment dubbed a “living drug.” This new therapy genetically modifies a patient’s cells to fight cancer, but current research efforts hope to treat autoimmune diseases, organ damage and more.