A Doctors Life




One Pill and Done for Covid is a Serious Concern

The Covid-19 pandemic has already killed over 800K Americans and countless, perhaps, millions worldwide. It has disrupted people’s lives in every conceivable way from the economy,...

Meet the Author: Dr Patricia Farrell, PhD

Ever wondered what motivates doctors to write? The answers may surprise you. Welcome to Medika's author interviews with some of our more prolific authors....

Coronavirus and Physician Burnout Are Adding Fuel to the Fire

Medscape’s 2020 ‘National Physician Burnout & Suicide Report’ found that 42% of the 15,000 physicians surveyed reported being burned out.

This Sleep Doctor Disagrees With AASM: Keep Daylight Savings Permanent

On March 13, most of the country "sprung forward" its clocks and entered into daylight savings time. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, of...