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I'm a licensed psychologist in NJ/FL and have been in the field for over 30 years serving in most areas of mental health, psychiatry research, consulting, teaching (post-grad), private practice, consultant to WebMD and writing self-help books. Currently, I am concentrating on writing articles and books.
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Patricia Farrell
First Name
Last Name
I'm a licensed psychologist in NJ/FL and have been in the field for over 30 years serving in most areas of mental health, psychiatry research, consulting, teaching (post-grad), private practice, consultant to WebMD and writing self-help books. Currently, I am concentrating on writing articles and books.
United States
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Graduated Year
Fields of Interest
Stress, medical illness, depression, and anxiety. My main interest is in medical illness and its relationship to psychological disorders as well as the misdiagnosis of these disorders and neurologic disorders.
Patricia A. Farrell, Ph.D., LLC
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Contact Number
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PO Box 761, Tenafly, NJ 07670
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1 week ago no Comment

Environmental concerns play a major role in the lives of our older adults, and pollution can shorten lifespans, decrease independence, and affect overall health.

3 weeks ago no Comment

Medical decisions are being made not only by insurance companies but also by hospital managers and algorithms, and concern for patient care continues to grow.

3 weeks ago no Comment

States run lotteries, offering winners multimillions, and then turning around and offering gambling rehab programs is a contradictory process.

1 month ago no Comment

Exercise can be simple and a snap to incorporate into your life without equipment, and you can do it wherever you are, whenever you can.

1 month ago no Comment

Vaping may not contribute to lung cancer the way cigarettes do, but there are still dangers in that “smoke.”

2 months ago no Comment

Bedtime stories may include reading fairy tales, which some believe helps children develop a moral compass, but there’s more to them than we realize.

2 months ago no Comment

Data often pushes changes when technology makes it imperative that we do so, and today, we are seeing something we’ve never seen before; the persistence of cell phone use by children, whether at home, in school, or out in play areas. Research shows that excessive use has mental health consequences, and they are not encouraging. But […]

2 months ago no Comment

How many hormones or neurotransmitters do you know? Which are the ones you hear about most frequently? You’re probably familiar with dopamine and serotonin. They’re linked to anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders. Pharmaceutical companies have given us a great deal of information sometimes causing confusion when we think about neurotransmitters. But, outside of pharmaceuticals, […]

3 months ago no Comment

Consent forms are a usual part of many businesses, and in medicine, they are standard procedures, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be amended.

3 months ago no Comment

AI has impacted the lives of everyone around the globe, but we can’t trust its chatbots because they make things up and spread disinformation.

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