Digital Innovation




Is Twitter Spaces The New Medical Grand Rounds?

Twitter offers a simple, powerful, and convenient platform to connect clinicians from around the world.

Cogitativo Joins the Veterans Health Administration to Address the Deferred Care Challenge Using AI-Enabled Solution

Cogitativo Will Deploy their Proven Machine Learning Solution to Help the VHA Identify and Support Vulnerable Veterans and Families Whose Costly Medical Needs Have...

Zero-Contact Medical Station for Safe and Rapid PCR Covid-19 Testing

Zero Contact Rapid PCR Testing. The biggest risk of infection for medical staff is during intubation, nasal swabbing, and personal protective equipment (PPE) removal

What You Say on TeleHealth Doesn’t Stay on Telehealth. How Patient Data is Under Threat

If you use a Telehealth platform your data is being stored and may be sold for commercial gain to the highest bidder. The safety of Patient Data is