There are so many talented, creative and innovative businesses entering the healthcare market that any list would struggle to name them all. This list focuses on medical technologies in the digital realm of healthcare. If your company didn’t catch our eye, we apologize, and please be aware, there is a definite geographical bias to the companies listed, in favor of Western-based business. Check the footer for more on this.
An interesting fact to consider for new players entering this market. Only seven percent of healthcare and pharmaceutical companies claim to have gone digital, compared to 15 percent of companies in other industries.
How we’ve constructed the list
Primarily, we looked at how the business, software, or technology has affected the caregiver-patient relationship. For this reason, you may see obscure companies featured, many of whom work tirelessly, away from the spotlight of public medicine. to improve this relationship. Sustainability of models, impacts on disadvantaged sectors, disruption, and sheer genius have also been considered, Covid‘s’impact has mostly been ignored. Here’s why.
The businesses built around, catering to, and addressing our pandemic mindset have been amazing to watch. Do they however bear long-term relevance to the industry, or will they serve merely as fallback models for the next pandemic? Medika sees many of these as financially-inspired models, where business-orientated individuals have perceived a need in the market and have acted rapidly to fill it. That need will dissipate in the coming months.
Arguably, none of these pandemic response innovators require any additional media attention, so our list has chosen to focus on the regular and more mundane functionality of day-to-day medicine and the companies that are addressing and changing, often in fundamental ways, the patient’s access to care.
We’ve also avoided listing companies like Apple, Samsung, Siemens, and others, who have made immeasurable contributions to the sector. Their work is well established and their brands are household names. It’s the up-and-coming stars we’d like to make you aware of and the older ones, many of whom are now coming good.
The list below is broken into sections and numbering is not an indicator of ranking. You’ll also notice we’ve created categories, five to be exact, to ensure a fair spread and to enable you to more easily find the players that affect your sector. There are overlaps, and where these occur we’ve used a wet finger and wind speed to determine which category is best suited.
Where possible, logos link to websites or Linkedin profiles, and founders’ names are linked to their Linkedin or Twitter profiles. We encourage readers to connect and expand their networks. It’s the reason we provide additional information, rather than a simple sequential list. So, to the list.
Medical Devices Category
At the top of our list, this category makes a real-world difference in an immediate and noticeable way for many patients, often in a life-saving fashion. We tip our hats to the combination of ingenuity, innovation, and foresight exhibited by these companies.
1. Pulsenmore
Founder: Dr. Elazar Sonnenschein
Sectors: Diagnostics, Radiology, Remote Care, Ultrasound, Prenatal Health
Established: 2014
Core Product/Service: At-Home Tele-Ultrasound for Pregnant Women
Country: Israel
Strategic Partners: Clalit Health
This is a truly revolutionary device, enabling pregnant women to monitor fetal growth and development remotely. The small ultrasound scanner connects to a smartphone, boasts an instructional app to assist the user, and images can be shared or uploaded in real-time to point of care. Particularly useful for remote treatment and medical use in isolated areas. A simple, elegant, and well-designed tool that frees ultrasound technology from its traditional confines. Pulsenmore partners with Clalit Health.
2. Thinklabs One

Founder: Clive Smith
Sectors: Providers, Medical Devices, Technology
Established: 1991
Core Product/Service: Digital Stethoscope
Country: Englewood, Colorado, USA
Strategic Partners: Thinklabs
Coolest and most innovative change to the stethoscope we’ve seen, and given our pandemic climate, a perfect candidate for remote medicine. Advances in technology have chosen to ignore the stethoscope and that’s why we love this product. It’s bold and innovative. It changes our perceived ideas about the traditional stethoscope and in our opinion, improves dramatically on it by incorporating modern technology. Well overdue. Connect with Thinklabs on Twitter
3. Cala Health
Founder: Kate Rosenbluth
Sector: Bioelectric Medicine, Digital Health, Neuroscience
Established: 2014
Core Product/Service: Cala Trio™ Wearable to counter tremors
Country: USA
Strategic Partners:
Cala Health is a bioelectronic medicine company. The company’s wearable neuromodulation therapies merge innovations in neuroscience and technology to deliver individualized peripheral nerve stimulation, and its vertically integrated commercial model is reshaping the delivery of prescription therapies. Cala Health’s lead product, Cala Trio™, is the only non-invasive prescription therapy for essential tremor (ET). Truly life-changing use of technology in a novel and innovative way. Connect with Cala Health on Twitter
4. HumanOptics AG
Founder: Karl Klamann
Sector: Ophthalmology, Surgical Procedures, Technology
Established: 1999
Country: Bayern, Germany
Strategic Partners: Please refer to the website
The CUSTOMFLEX® ARTIFICIALIRIS, a world-first and game-changer, is a unique and foldable iris prosthesis, for both medical and aesthetic reconstruction of eyes with complete or partial aniridia. This iris prosthesis for treating patients with injured or missing irides was awarded breakthrough device status by the FDA. This product offers a massive benefit to patients who suffer from aniridia
5. Butterfly Network Inc
Founder: Dr. Jonathan Rothberg
Sector: Diagnostics, Medical Technology, Digital Devices, POC
Established: 2011
Core Product: Butterfly single-probe, whole-body handheld ultrasound
Country: USA
Strategic Partners: ACC
More ultrasound, but this time in a professional setting and with Dr. Rothberg at the helm, expect fireworks. Developed specifically for doctors, visit Butterfly to find out why healthcare providers have fallen in love with this light and portable ultrasound scanner. It is the world’s first handheld, single-probe whole-body ultrasound system. It is quite remarkable and deserves the label “game-changer” in terms of how it simplifies the provision of care. You can connect with Butterfly on Twitter
6. UTILIMEDIC (Namsung Electronics Co Ltd)
Dual Corp Representative: Elena Thompson
Sector: Digital Electronics, Consumer Market, Healthcare Providers
Established: 1965
Core Product/Service: Utilimedic Cell Phone UV Sterilization Unit
Country: Florida, USA (Headquarters in Seoul, South Korea)
Strategic Partners: Namsung America (Dual Electronics)
While not strictly a medical device, this product fulfills a real need and practical solution to healthcare workers during the pandemic. Cellphones are one of the primary surfaces for the transmission of viruses. This product (CES 2021 Innovation award) offers a cost-effective solution to sterilizing your cellphone with UV light. Use it in your car and charge your phone while you sterilize it. A really useful deployment of tech in a healthcare setting. We love it. Connect with them on Twitter
7. ISABEL Healthcare
Founder: Jason Maude
Sector: Diagnostic Software, DDX, Remote Diagnostics, Telemedicine
Established: 1999
Core Product/Service: Differential Diagnostics Platform
Country: UK/USA
Strategic Partners:
Full disclosure, Medika uses this DDX as the backbone for the patient’s Self Diagnostic tool on the Medika website, so does WebMD. We’ve included it here because we feel the pandemic has finally highlighted the true benefits, accuracy, and simplicity this differential diagnostics tool offers the industry. More and more doctors are discovering the benefits Isabel can lend to their practices and she is the industry leader in the field. Isabel Healthcare is also socially active in emerging economies, enabling access to global health. If you haven’t yet, connect with Isabel on Twitter.
Founder: Gian Guido Riva
Sector: Orthopedics, BlockChain, Digital Health, IoT
Established: 2015
Core Product/Service: 3D printed personalized joint implants
Country: Castel Maggiore, Italy
Strategic Partners: GE
Mobility matters. Lose the use of a knee joint and your life changes. REJOINT offers a combination of cutting-edge technology and joint implants to keep you moving. An industry leader and recognized as one of the foremost manufacturers of implants, their business directly impacts people’s lives. REJOINT combines validated Additive Manufacturing, IoT and wearables, Artificial Intelligence, and Blockchain technology to produce products that impact patient outcomes. Connect with them on Twitter
9. Saluda Medical
Founder: John Parker
Sector: Medical Devices, Digital Health, Technology
Established: 2013
Core Product/Service: Evoke®
Country: Australia, USA
Strategic Partners: None listed
The development of closed-loop spinal pain therapy is potentially life-changing for patients suffering from chronic pain. Saluda pioneered and developed the first closed-loop system. Evoke® is the only spinal cord stimulation technology designed to measure the spinal cord’s response to stimulation and make real-time adjustments intended to maintain a consistent level of pain therapy. Connect with Saluda Health on Twitter
10. Miach Orthopaedics
Founder: Martha Murray, MD
Sectors: Bio-Engineering, Surgical Implants, Orthopaedics
Established: 2017
Core Product/Service: Bridge-Enhanced® ACL Repair (BEAR®)
Country: Massachusetts, USA
Miach Orthopaedics is dedicated to developing bio-engineered surgical implants for connective tissue restoration. Their Bridge-Enhanced® ACL Repair (BEAR®) Implant is a revolutionary proprietary bio-engineered implant used to facilitate healing of the torn ACL The implant removes the need to harvest healthy tendon from another part of your leg and acts as a bridge between the two ends of the torn ACL, allowing the tendon to regrow. This is cutting-edge bio-engineering with real-world patient benefits. Connect with Miach Orthopaedics on Twitter
Patient Engagement Sector
Increasing patient’s access to care, empowering them in their own health choices, and simplifying the patient-caregiver relationship all lead to more seamless and effective care-based outcomes for patients. Here are the platforms to watch.
11. PocketHealth
Founders: Rishi Nayyar and Harsh Nayyar
Sectors: Patient Facing Solutions, Software, Applications, Radiology
Established: 2016
Core Product/Service: Digital access to Patient Imaging Records
Country: Toronto, Canada
Medika Life loves practical, simple, and elegant solutions. That’s exactly what PocketHealth offers to patients and providers. Their goal was to build a Patient-Centric, Accessible & Supportive Image Sharing Platform, and early signs signal success. The platform offers seamless, secure infrastructure between diagnostic imaging centers and their patients across Noth America. Connect with them on Twitter
12. Qure4u
Founder: Dr. Monica Bolbjerg
Sectors: Patient Facing Solutions, Software, Applications, Provider solutions
Established: 2015
Core Product/Service: A Holistic Patient Engagement Platform
Country: USA
Is this the App that finally simplifies patient access to services? It may be. Qure4u is a patient engagement platform ready to meet all of your patients’ needs by providing them with a Digital Health Key™. Simple and convenient access to care from patient self-scheduling to remote patient monitoring and everything in between. Patients are so impressed, the App has just won a Customer Satisfaction award from athenahealth. Connect with them on Twitter
13. XR Health
Founder: Eran Orr
Sectors: Patient Facing, XR, Therapeutics
Established: 2016
Core Product/Service: Extended Reality Therapeutics
Country: USA
Strategic Partners: Allscripts and Pico Interactive
XR stands for Extended Reality and includes VR, AR and MR. Unlike other companies that seek to enable surgeons with XR, this company has integrated it into the life of the patient, offering virtual access to therapeutics in the comfort of your home. The technology offers treatment options for Stress Management, Pain Management, ADHD, Memory Training, Hot Flashes, Post-COVID Rehab, and VR Support Groups. Explore the options on their website and connect with them on Twitter.
14. Datos Health
Founder: Uri Bettesh
Sectors: Patient Facing Solutions, Software, Applications, Provider solutions
Established: 2015
Core Product/Service: Datos Platform
Country: Israel, New York, USA
Strategic Partners: Consult their website for a full list of partners
Datos is a fully automated remote care platform designed to directly connect patients with medical sources of care from the comfort of their own homes, for improved quality of life. The platform makes it possible to safely monitor, detect, analyze and predict adverse events or other changes in patient conditions — enabling care teams to communicate and intervene in real-time, and to successfully manage even the most complex medical treatment protocols. Connect with Datos Health on Twitter
15. Epic, myChart
Founder: Judy Faulkner
Sectors: Patient Facing Software, Data, Provider Solutions
Established: 1979
Core Product/Service: MyChart® licensed from Epic Systems Corporation
Country: USA
Strategic Partners: Epic, visit the website for more details,
One of the most successful patient-facing applications in the US. The myChart® app by Epic allows patients to see their medications, test results, upcoming appointments, medical bills, price estimates, and more all in one place, even if they’ve been seen at multiple healthcare organizations. With over 100 million users, Epic is a clear leader in patient-facing data and software and the recent facelift of myChart has brought it in line with new technologies. Sadly, while their UI is slowly catching up they don’t exist on social media.
16. Cedar
Founders: Florian Otto and Arel Lidow
Sectors: Applications, Payment Solutions, Patient Engagement, Software
Established: 2016
Core Product/Service: Cedar Pay. Medical Financial Engagement Solutions
Country: New York, USA
Strategic Partners: Please refer to their website
Simplifying payment for medical services, this platform allows for the patient to seamlessly pay for services and frees up the provider to focus on providing care. We love the concept and we’re certain patients and providers will adopt the solution with open arms. Cedar is the healthcare financial engagement platform that keeps patients happy and businesses healthy. Connect with Cedar on Twitter.
17. American Well
Founders: Ido Schoenberg, MDand Roy Schoenberg, MD
Sectors: Telehealth, Patient Engagement, Patient Outcomes
Established: 2006
Core Product/Service: Telehealth Platform
Country: USA
Strategic Partners: Please refer to their website
How can we ignore telehealth in 2021? Amwell is making huge inroads in the market. Amwell’s telehealth solution spans the care continuum from urgent care to acute care. Their technology combines a delightful experience for patients with best-in-class workflows for providers. Stability should be front and foremost for providers when selecting telehealth platforms and Amwell leads the field. Connect with Amwell on Twitter
18. SilverCloud Health
Founders: James Bligh, Dr John Sharry and Karen Tierney
Sectors: Telehealth, Mental Health, Software, Patient Care
Established: 2011
Core Product/Service: Digital Mental Health Platform
Country: London, United Kingdom
Strategic Partners: Please visit their website for details.
If the hype is to be believed, then we face a deluge of post-Covid mental health issues. SilverCloud is developing telehealth and provider solutions to keep pace with the increasing demand for care, SilverCloud Health is the trusted leader in on-demand digital behavioral health care, partnering with over 300 organizations to deliver virtual therapy. Increase your capacity and improve your patient outcomes. Connect with SilverCloud on Twitter
19. Cloudbreak
Founders: Jamey Edwards and Andrew Panos
Sectors: Telehealth, Remote Care, Patient Facing Solutions
Established: 2015
Core Product/Service: In-Patient Virtual Care and Telehealth
Country: USA
Strategic Partners: Please refer to the website
A total solution for remote care, both in and outside of the care environment. Cloudbreak helps you connect with your patients from anywhere. Process billing, manage your appointments, send prescriptions securely — everything you need for a traditional visit, done in a web browser. Provide your patients with equitable care available at any time, on any device. Equip a single patient room with telequarantine, teletherapy, telenursing, multi-party calling, medical interpretation, and more. Connect with Cloudbreak on Twitter
20. MomMD
Founders: Mimi Valenticand Sethina Edwards
Sectors: Support Networks, Software, Networking Platforms
Established: 1999
Core Product/Service: Web-based platform
Country: Texas, USA
While not strictly patient-orientated we decided to add this platform here as it supports mothers and women in Healthcare and offers a crucial and often absent support network for these care providers. MomMD offers the latest in Continuing Medical Education (CME) and also allows users to search for jobs and resumes. It offers discussions on work/life balance, pregnancy, diagnosis, debt and loan repayment, residency match, and various other subjects. Connect with MomMD on Twitter
Networking and Communication Channels
Enabling and connecting voices within the digital health sector helps to highlight systemic flaws and connects people who are able to address these issues. These companies enable solutions. Podcasts. PR, Think Tanks, and other networking tools like Clubhouse are proving an indispensable tool for networking, innovation, and as drivers for change. Here’s our watchlist.
21. PwC Singapore
Health Industry Leader: Dr. Zubin J Daruwalla
Sectors: MedTech BioTech, Digital Health, Networking, Venture Hub
Established: 2016 (PwC Singapore Venture Hub)
Core Product/Service: Digital Healthcare, Health Tech Ventures
Country: Singapore
Strategic Partners: Please refer to the website for additional info
Connecting emerging digital health technologies globally matters and companies like PwC Singapore provide you with a gateway into Asia and a detailed understanding of the healthcare markets and key trends. PwC Singapore connects the dots and bridges the Western/Asian health divide in ways you cannot afford to ignore. Connect with them and broaden your network and markets. Connect on Twitter.
22. Pharmacy Podcast Network
Founder: Todd Eury
Sectors: Pharmaceutical, Podcasts, Networking, Pharmacy Business
Established: 2009
Core Product/Podcast Network
Country: USA, PA
Strategic Partners: CEimpact and RphAlly
Providing a voice for the pharmacy industry since 2009, this company has gone from strength to strength and now boasts over 1,200+ episodes, 30 shows & 40 contributing pharmacists. As an influential voice and enabling force for the pharmacy industry, look no further than this network. Their broad reach and coverage of all issues relating to the pharmacy profession make them a powerhouse not to be taken lightly. Connect with them on Twitter
Founder: John Nosta
Sectors: Digital Healthcare, Business and Market Direction, Innovation
Established: 2013
Core Product/Service: Speaker, Thought Leader, Think Tank, Analysis
Country: USA
Strategic Partners: Refer to the website
NOSTALAB was established by John Nosta in 2013 and serves as a platform to challenge existing health lore. John is regarded as a leading global strategic and creative thinker in the digital health area. He is a leading voice in the convergence of technology and health. Through NOSTALAB he helps define, dissect, and deliberate global trends in digital health. He is a hugely influential and respected voice within the health sector. Connect with him via his website and on Twitter
24. Faces of Health Podcast
Founder: Tjasa Zajc
Sectors: Healthcare, Industry Opinion, Podcast, Network
Established: 2017
Core Product/Service: Podcast /Video Interviews
Country: Republic of Slovenia
As a former healthcare journalist with a Masters degree in healthcare management and economics, Tjasa, the host and founder, features discussions with policymakers, doctors, nurses, and opinion leaders in the digital health space. Not to be missed. Connect and find out why industry professionals like John Nosta and Rafael Grossmann love this podcast. Connect with Tjasa on Twitter.
25. Unitypoint Health Ventures
Key Members: Matthew Warrens and Austin Duke, PhD
Sectors: Growth Accelerator, Strategic Partnerships, Venture Fund
Established: 2019
Core Product/Service: Innovation Venture Fund
Country: USA
Strategic Partners: Unitypoint Health
Ensuring bright ideas become sustainable business models requires a combination of funding and strategic partnerships. Unitypoint Health Ventures goes beyond investments to accelerate tomorrow’s health care solutions. They focus their efforts in four key areas: Care Experience, Care Financing, Care Delivery, and Care Innovation. Connect with Unitypoint Health Ventures on Twitter
26. MHealth Israel
Founders: Levi Shapiro
Sectors: Non-Profit, Digital Health, Networking Platform
Established: 2013
Core Product/Service: Platform for Healthcare Voices and Opinions
Country: Israel
This listing is a little different as it focuses on a community rather than an individual corporate entity. If you’re involved in digital healthcare and would like your opinion to impact the industry, Levi’s group offers a route. Connect with thousands of like-minded industry professionals and engage across numerous platforms on important issues affecting the world of healthcare. Find out why some of the largest names in healthcare are using MHealth to communicate their ideas. You can hook up with the group on Linkedin or on Twitter
27. Physician Side Gigs
Founder: Nisha Mehta
Sectors: Networking Platform, Financial, Physicians,
Established: 2016
Core Product/Service: Physician Side Gigs
Country: USA
One of our favorites. A Facebook group that took off and now offers physicians advice on how to hustle a side gig. The networking aspect is a clear benefit and the group has grown exponentially since its creation. It now boasts over 74000 physicians. Aside from the side hustle aspect, discussions in the group cover jobs, business skills, financial topics, life in medicine, and physician burnout. A great resource for physicians. Connect with them on Facebook and with Nisha on Twitter
28. FINN Partners Health
Managing Partner, Global Health: Gil Bashe and Goel Jasper (FINN, Israel)
Sectors: Healthcare, Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, Brand Agency
Established: 2011
Core Product/Service: Digital Health Consultancy
Country: USA, Israel
Strategic Partners: The list is endless, consult their website.
It can be argued that FINN Partners boast one of the most experienced teams within the healthcare sector, thanks in no small part to Managing Partners, Gil Bashe and Goel Jasper who offer your business decades of experience in the industry. Their vast experience, broad network, and widely respected knowledge make FINN Partners Health an indispensable asset to any business looking to expand into the healthcare sector. Ensure your business enjoys the exposure it deserves. Connect with FINN Partners on Twitter
29. Startup Health
Founders: Steven Krein and Unity Stoakes
Sectors: Startups, Networking, Innovation Hub
Established: 2011
Core Product/Service: Funding and networking for Startups
Country: USA
Strategic Partners: Please visit their website
If your Health startup is struggling to feel the love, then Startup Health may be the place for you. They connect Health Transformers into an organized, global community, leveraging network effects, trusted peer support, and collective intelligence. Since 2011, they have invested in over 340 innovative health companies, and boast a survival rate of over 80%, no easy achievement in a competitive market. If you need help ensuring your vision is fulfilled, why not reach out to the folk at Startup Health. You can connect with them on Twitter
30. Amend Health
Founders: Andrew RichardsandMarcelo Morales
Sectors: Think Tanks, Networking, Service Solutions, Social Good
Established: 2020
Core Product/Service: Connecting sectors and services to provide solutions
Country: USA
Strategic Partners: Refer to their website
Helping connect the different sectors of healthcare. We love the ethic behind this new company and hope it goes from strength to strength. Amend helps to build affiliate-networks of critical access. By targeting large geographies they are able to leverage an economy of scale and the solutions they provide are able to rapidly scale across multiple affiliate partners. Follow this socially driven healthcare think tank on Twitter
AR, VR, XR, and Wearables Sector
The Tron’s of Digital Health, these geniuses create augmentation for human skills, pushing our abilities beyond the confines of our physical limits, proving that man and software really can function in harmony, for the betterment of medicine. Oh, then there’s the teaching element. It’s a virtual wonderland.
31. Fundamental VR
Founders: Richard VincentandChris Scattergood
Sectors: Surgical Training, Virtual Reality, Education
Established: 2012
Core Product/Service: Virtual Reality based training tools for Surgeons
Country: United Kingdom
Strategic Partners: Mayo Clinic
In their own words, FundamentVR builds flight simulators for surgeons. Their associated business, Fundamental Surgery is arguably the industry leader in the sector. Their state-of-the-art haptic (touch) VR solutions for training surgeons are unique and hugely innovative. Mayo Clinic has entered a joint development agreement with Fundamental VR for surgical VR simulation and education products. As multi-award winners, they are rapidly establishing the industry standard for VR in healthcare.
32. Varjo
Founders: Klaus Melakari, Niko Eiden, Roope Rainisto and Urho Konttori
Sectors: Education, Training, VR and XR, Simulations
Established: 2016
Core Product/Service: XR and VR headsets
Country: Helsinki, Finland
Strategic Partners: Unreal Engine and others. Refer to details on the website
Producers of the highest quality VR and XR headsets in the marketplace. The association with Unreal Engine should say it all, Games drive VR development. Varjo’s headsets are recognized globally as being the industry benchmark in quality and photo-realism. Immerse yourself in their VR world. Do visit the website to gain a true appreciation of what XR can do,
33. Anima Res
Founders: Pablo Olmos and Rodrigo Olmos
Sectors: Software, Virtual reality, VR Platforms, Education, Healthcare
Established: 1997
Core Product/Service: VR Worlds
Country: Bonn, Deutschland
Strategic Partners: An official Microsoft Partner
Any VR system is only as good as the immersive software that drives it. Meet Anima Res, a German company that provides the link between VR hardware and the user, by creating believable and fully immersive healthcare environments for users. We love this company. 3d Medical animations that rock from an unfunded powerhouse. Keep it up guys!
Founders: Sam Glassenberg
Sectors: Software, Gaming, Digital Health, Education
Established: 2015
Core Product/Service: Android/ iOS games for Doctors
Country: Chicago, USA
Strategic Partners: Brainlab
Even doctors need to game. This entry is our favorite, hands down. Sleek and clever, doctors and medical students can select a range of medical games on Apple and Android focusing on cardiology, pulmonary, gastro, and more. Hook up your dopamine receptors for their daily fix and embed your learning. A winner, all the way. Connect with them on Twitter
35. Brainlab
Founders: Stefan Vilsmeier
Sectors: Technology, Software, Digital Health
Established: 1989
Core Product/Service: Software and Hardware solutions for Surgery
Country: Munich, Germany
Strategic Partners: Snke OS
To improve critical surgeries, radiosurgery treatments, and operating room efficiency, Brainlab software and hardware devices create and enhance data. Transpose realistic 3d images directly into your environment. Brainlab offers solutions for Surgery, Radio Surgery, and O.R. with Digital O.R. A stunning combination of real-world medical applications and technology, seamlessly integrated. Connect with Brainlab on Twitter
36. Elara Systems
Founders: Bob Dyce and Cameron Grant
Sectors: Creative Design, Software, XR Simulations
Established: 1999
Core Product/Service: Creation of XR environments and objects
Country: USA
Strategic Partners: Please refer to their website
Meet one of the companies that build the worlds and objects that inhabit the VR world. If you have a vision or project you need translated into an XR environment, Elara is the place to go. They offer vast libraries of immersive environments and predesigned simulations and can create whatever you can visualize. Reach out for 3D animation, interactive content, and XR solutions. Connect with them on Twitter
Founders: Justin Barad and Matt Newport
Sectors: VR, Surgical Training, Education
Established: 2014
Core Product/Service: VR, Surgical Training and Assessment Platform
Country: USA
Strategic Partners: Please refer to their website
We love the vision of this VR platform that addresses a critical need within the industry. Their goals are to improve patient outcomes, increase the adoption of higher-value medical technologies, and democratize global access to the latest surgical techniques. Osso VR uses virtual reality to provide the platform, content, and tools to bridge the surgical training gap and are the industry leaders in this area. Connect with Osso VR on Twitter
38. Oxford Medical Simulation
Founders: Michael Wallaceand Jack Pottle
Sectors: Medical Training, VR, VR Simulations, Education
Established: 2016
Core Product/Service: VR Simulation for optimal Patient Care
Country: London, UK
Strategic Partners: Please refer here for more details
Another key player, translating VR technology into educational tools for the industry. Oxford Medical Simulation delivers award-winning virtual reality medical and nursing simulation. This helps educators save time and money in delivering quality, flexible, measurable training that improves patient care. VR and screen-based simulations train healthcare professionals in world-class patient management without risking lives. Connect with Oxford Medical Simulation on Twitter.
Founders: Henry Stuart
Sectors: VR Environments, VR Modeling, VR, XR
Established: 20o6
Core Product/Service: VR creation for Healthcare
Country: London, UK
Strategic Partners: Please refer to their website
While not specifically a healthcare-focused company, Visualise contributes essential elements to the process of VR training environments. The importance of their role is highlighted in the linked page above. Visualise pushes the boundaries of what’s possible with immersive content. From VR, AR, and MR, to binaural audio and immersive apps. From CG VR production to 360 video, live streaming, and post-production. Connect with Visualise on Twitter
40. Medical Realities
Founders: Shafi Ahmed and Steve Dann
Sectors: VR, Medical Education
Established: 2015
Core Product/Service: Immersive End to End VR Healthcare Platform
Country: London, UK
Strategic Partners: Please refer to their website
Medical Realities was founded by a dedicated team of healthcare professionals and technologists with a mission to transform healthcare education. They have built the world’s first end-to-end Virtual Reality platform which is now used globally by students, doctors, and institutions. Visit their Covid-Med Ed platform to see how they integrate this technology.
Data and Software Sector
This is where it all happens in healthcare. The most effective innovations and tools can be rendered obsolete without proper integration and management of data. Software connects and great software does it seamlessly and unobtrusively. Here are Medika Life’s top picks for 2021
41. Saidot
Founder: Meeri Haataja
Sectors: Data Transparency, Trust, AI
Established: 2018
Core Product/Service: Platform for Data Trust and Accountability
Country: Finland
Strategic Partners: Visit their website to view.
If you’re wondering why this company is included, think data. Think accountability, think ethics. It is going to be the greatest challenge of the digital health era. Accountability for people’s personal data and transparency for the systems dealing with that data. No one is better positioned in the industry than Saidot and it’s a natural connection for healthcare to develop. If you’re into AI, hook up with Saidot and get an ethical foot up for your data. Connect with them on Twitter
42. Nomad Health
Founders: Alexi Nazem, Ryan Grant, Dr. Maxwell Laurans, Kevin P. Ryan, and Zander Pease
Sectors: Networking, Employment, Nursing, Healthcare
Established: 2015
Core Product/Service: Employment Platform for traveling nurses
Country: New York, USA
Strategic Partners: None listed
One for the nursing industry and this platform is a winner, for both nurses and employers. If you’re a nurse with an itch to see the world, welcome to Nomad. Nomad provides all the tools, information, and support to land the most rewarding travel nurse assignments, hassle-free. Get paid well for work you’ll love. A sleek, elegant, well-designed platform for enabling nurses. Connect with Nomad on Twitter
Founders: Stefan Vilsmeier
Sectors: Development Platform, OS, B2B Development
Established: 2020
Core Product/Service: A development platform/OS purpose-built for health
Country: Munich, Germany
Strategic Partners: Brainlab
Yet another industry disruptor from the folk at Brainlab. If you’re not into software and scalable solutions, we’ll forgive you for not getting excited, but trust us, if you’re developing surgical and healthcare solutions, this platform is a massive deal. Snke OS is the first enterprise platform built with best-in-class DNA. Fueled by AI & big data analytics with the power to handle your next breakthrough, it goes way beyond med tech. An OS that is purpose-built for health and definitely one to watch. Connect on Twitter
44. Diameter Health
Founders: Eric Rosow and John D’Amore
Sectors: Software, Data, Digital Healthcare, IT
Established: 2014
Core Product: Fusion
Country: USA
Strategic Partners: Check their website for their partners.
We love this company. Mismatched data sets currently cripple healthcare and that’s where Diameter Health comes in. Only Diameter Health cures clinical data disorder by normalizing and enriching clinical data using scalable and secure technology deployable in a fraction of the time and cost of conventional methods. Fusion enables intelligent data exchange, normalization, and integration with any certified Electronic Health Record (EHR). Connect with Diameter Health on Twitter
45. Foxo
Founders: Luke Fletcher
Sectors: Software, Data Solutions, Communication
Established: 2018
Core Product/Service: Foxo, communication platform for healthcare
Country: Australia
Strategic Partners: Please refer to their website
Foxo is an Australian company on a mission to connect a fragmented health system. Their SaaS platform is changing the way doctors, nurses, and allied health connect, communicate and collaborate. They’re focused on building a connected future for the Health industry. Their mix of technical and clinical-led team members ensures their solutions are applicable to the market. A much-needed solution to addressing data fragmentation in the industry. Connect with them on Twitter.
46. Komodo Health
Founders: Dr. Arif Nathoo and Web Sun
Sectors: Data, Software, Data Mapping, Data Solutions
Established: 2014
Core Product/Service: Data-driven Healthcare Map
Country: USA
Strategic Partners: Mavens (acquired)
Perhaps the most ambitious project yet to aggregate disjointed data from across the entire spectrum of the American Healthcare system and to farm this data in a meaningful way to improve access to care and patient outcomes. Companies like Komodo are the future of digital healthcare and they will go from strength to strength. See what their Healthcare map can mean to your patients and your startup. A company that should be on everyone’s radar. Connect with Komodo on Twitter.
47. Innovaccer
Founders: Abhinav Shashank, Kanav Hasija, and Sandeep Gupta
Sectors: Data, Software, Data Management, Patient Care
Established: 2014
Core Product/Service: Data based Patient and Industry Solutions
Country: San Francisco, USA
Strategic Partners: Please refer to their website
Data-driven solutions from another up-and-coming player in the industry. Innovaccer is all about presenting you with a complete patient history, aggregating records from across the breadth of the industry to present you with the full clinical picture, Visit their website to see the tools they offer to enable appropriate and informed patient care. We love their focus and the company is growing exponentially. Another “must watch” for 2021. Connect with Innovaccer on Twitter
48. CareSignal
Founders: Avik Som, Blake Marggraff, Evan Huang, and Joe McDonald
Sectors: Data, Software, Patient Care, Applications
Established: 2015
Core Product/Service: Deviceless Remote Patient Monitoring
Country: USA
Strategic Partners: Please refer to their website
Wondering how to connect your applications and devices to care platforms that are accessible to providers? Visit CareSignal for solutions. Remote monitoring for value-based care organizations. CareSignal Deviceless RPM is accessible, scalable, and cost-effective. CareSignal offers an essential piece of the data puzzle. Remote monitoring that is accessible to any Patient. Connect with them on Twitter
49. John Snow Labs
Key Member: David Talby, CTO
Sectors: Software, AI, Natural Language Processing
Established: 2015
Core Product/Service: Spark NLP
Country: USA
Strategic Partners: Refer to their website
NLP and AI form an integral part of the evolution of seamless software in digital healthcare. Spark is the most widely used NLP library in the industry. John Snow Labs helps to bridge the gap between AI and human input with their Spark NLP platform. Reach out to them to learn how their products can improve your accuracy, speed, and scalability. Connect with John Snow Labs on Twitter.
50. Lisa Health
Founders: Ann Garnier and Giovanni Colella, MD
Sectors: Software, Women’s Health, Healthcare Platform
Established: 2017
Core Product/Service: Support network for Menopause
Country: USA
A hidden gem. We’ve included this last entry as a shout-out to an up-and-coming platform that focuses on women’s health, specifically menopausal women, and helping them through the phases of menopause. We’d love to see this rolled out to care providers. Connect with Lisa Health and support them on their journey. There is, in our opinion, insufficient focus placed on patient-facing tools for women’s health, and this application is exactly what the doctor ordered. Connect with Lisa Health on Twitter
Errors, omissions, and corrections
Please get in touch with to report any of the above or to flame us for not including you. We welcome all communication and our editors respond to all the emails we receive.
This list carries a distinctly western flavor. We are painfully aware of it.
This is largely due to the “network bubble” we function in and we are addressing this to make future lists more inclusive. If you are from distant shores, particularly Asia, India, and the Arabian peninsula, please do connect with us. Healthcare is a global issue and the efficacy and speed with which we address disparities are largely determined by the reach of our networks.