Author Profile

Gil Bashe, Medika Life Editor
First Name
Last Name
Health advocate connecting the dots to transform biopharma, digital health and healthcare innovation | Managing Partner, Chair Global Health FINN Partners | MM&M Top 50 Health Influencer | Top 10 Innovation Catalyst. Gil is Medika Life editor-in-chief and an author for the platform’s EcoHealth and Health Opinion and Policy sections. Gil also hosts the HealthcareNOW Radio show Healthunabashed, writes for Health Tech World, and is a member of the BeingWell team on Medium.
United States
Profile Validation
Health Communications Advocate; Former Airbone Combat Medic
University Attended
Fairleigh Dickinson University; Clark University
Graduated Year
Fields of Interest
Biopharma Decentralized Trials Digital Health Health Information Health Technology Patient Advocacy Pharmaceuticals Rare Disease Care
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3 weeks ago no Comment

Galen Growth Report Shows the Sector Resilience is the Speedway to Renewed Relevance

3 weeks ago no Comment
4 weeks ago no Comment

This is the story of how Lisa Heathman turned medical lemons into “pink lemonade” and how she continues to navigate the maze of breast cancer decisions, drawing on the support of the patient advocacy community created by the Pink Lemonade Project.

1 month ago no Comment

AI, ChatGPT, GenAI and LLMs Must Become Part of the Physician’s Black Bag

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Photo Credit Social Innovation Summit: Chelsea Clinton was among the keynotes at this year’s Summit. She serves as an executive of the Clinton Foundation and is a noted author.

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The Summit’s power lies in its ability to assemble participants from diverse sectors, each bringing their perspectives and expertise – all dedicated to purpose and social impact

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President Biden’s and President Trump’s Environment Policies and Your Vote — Debate On!

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Eliran Malki and Belong.Life Help People Navigate Cancer Care with an On-Demand AI Coach with Life-Sustaining Potential

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In the Information Age, Criticism of Expressions of Empathy Drives Silos or Silence in Response

4 months ago no Comment

Next Up: Addressing Obesity, Health Inequities and Preventive Care

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