Autoimmune Conditions




Restoring Credibility. Can We Ever Trust Healthcare Again?

If you wanted the perfect illustration of how to "dig yourself a hole" Healthcare and the Covid pandemic provided it. In what history will record as a concerted and unprecedented effort, governments, scientists, doctors and the healthcare industry globally, indulged in a public campaign to combat the SARS-COV2, commencing in early 2020. This campaign still persists.

Lupus and its effects on women

Lupus is a chronic (lifelong) autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body. With autoimmune diseases, the body’s immune (defense) system cannot tell the difference between viruses, bacteria, and other germs

CRISPR Technology To Simplify And Enhance CAR T Cancer Treatment

This is a series on the advances in CAR T, a remarkable immunotherapy treatment dubbed a “living drug.” This new therapy genetically modifies a patient’s cells to fight cancer, but current research efforts hope to treat autoimmune diseases, organ damage and more.

It’s Time to Up Our Messaging Game Ahead of Another Winter with COVID

This is not the time to roll out stale messaging delivered by a carousel of health officials trying to convince the public to get the test kits.