Author Profile

Michael Hunter, MD
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I received an undergraduate degree from Harvard, a medical degree from Yale, and trained in radiation oncology at the University of Pennsylvania. I practice radiation oncology in the Seattle area.
United States
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Fields of Interest
Wellness Cancer
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1 week ago no Comment

Nearly half of all cancer cases and deaths in adults over 30 are linked to preventable causes.

3 weeks ago no Comment

scary headlines proclaiming that the sweetener xylitol — in the gum that I am chewing as I write — is linked to a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and early death

3 weeks ago no Comment

A new study published in Radiology, a journal of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), suggests artificial intelligence (AI) could be the game-changer we’ve been waiting for.

1 month ago no Comment

Anticoagulation shows no benefit in preventing a second stroke.

1 month ago no Comment

I thought the story of scary bug-eyed fish with fiber-optic lights protruding from their foreheads would be my story of the week. But then I saw scary headlines proclaiming that the sweetener xylitol — in the gum that I am chewing as I write — is linked to a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and early […]

2 months ago no Comment

Telehealth video medicine became popular in my oncology clinic during the COVID-19 pandemic.

2 months ago no Comment

Fish oil supplements, which boast high omega-3 fatty acids, EPA, and DHA, have been a mainstay in heart-healthy routines for years.

2 months ago no Comment

DEMENTIA IS A GROUP OF CONDITIONS THAT AFFECT MEMORY, thinking, behavior, and more. The disease is a growing concern worldwide. While there’s no guaranteed way to prevent it, I’m excited that new research suggests a delicious dietary pattern might offer a glimmer of hope. Goals This essay will explore the potential link between the widely celebrated […]

3 months ago no Comment

For three decades, the yearly mammogram breast cancer screening, but a recent guideline update has thrown a wrench into this familiar routine.

3 months ago no Comment

A growing body of evidence suggests that the fight against dementia should begin earlier, before the brain changes that facilitate cognitive decline.

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