Certain middle-age diet habits are associated with a much greater likelihood of dodging chronic diseases 30 years later.

Even that glass of wine with dinner or that beer after work isn’t completely harmless.

Research suggests another good reason to avoid big meals late in the day: Large meals after 5 p.m. could increase one’s risk of type 2 diabetes.

There is a link between new and diverse experiences, enhanced happiness, and increased brain activity.

Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian of all time, has some daily habits that contributed to his success.

Do you have a balanced approach of moderate and vigorous exercise (plus strength training)?

One of my friends suffers from migraine headaches. If she does not get medicine on board immediately with symptom onset, days of misery ensue. Migraine is a debilitating neurological disease that affects over a billion people worldwide, with those assigned female at birth significantly more likely to experience it than men (21 versus 10 percent). This common […]

We’ve all heard the rumors: nonstick coatings degrade over time, releasing harmful chemicals into our food. Is there any truth to these claims?

A machine-learning AI model estimates the likely risk of disease progression for a given patient with breast cancer.

People ages 60 and above with untreated high blood pressure may be at greater risk of Alzheimer’s disease.