



Seborrheic Dermatitis, a type of Eczema

A chronic form of eczema, seborrheic dermatitis appears on the body where there are a lot of oil-producing (sebaceous) glands like the upper back, nose and scalp.

The Best Diet Move I’ve Made

IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR: THE “DIRTY DOZEN” fruits and vegetables proclamation. Let’s look at this annual (and controversial) ranking of non-organic fruits and vegetables...

Don’t Be Fooled — Not all Fruits and Vegetables are “Dirty.”

I RECENTLY READ ABOUT THE "DIRTY DOZEN," a group of pesticide-containing fruits and vegetables. The Environmental Working Group gives us a "dirty dozen" list of fruits...

Nummular Dermatitis (discoid eczema)

Nummular eczema (also known as discoid eczema and nummular dermatitis) is a form of eczema that can occur at any age