For Doctors




Takeaway and Delivery Meals Make You Fat, Start Cooking Your Own Food

In this global era, people want something faster and more straightforward. Many people prefer takeaway or using food delivery services to save time.

Should We Follow the French When It Comes to Nitrites?

This week, France announced that it intends to cut the use of nitrites in food. The disturbing context: The French National Health Agency confirmed that nitrite raises our cancer risk.

What Do Any of Us Know About Polypharmacy – Should We Know More?

Medical science has made tremendous strides since Antonie van Leeuwenhoek developed microscopy and revealed the world of microbes. From that day forward, the leaps and bounds...

How Too Much Iron (or Too Little) Puts Your Health at Risk

IRON DEFICIENCY IS COMMON in humans. On the other hand, excessive iron (for example, with hemochromatosis) is associated with an increased risk of developing several cancers, including breast, colorectal, liver, and prostate.