A recent study suggests social media has a tremendous impact on teenage girls mental health. The research is flawed as are the conclusions the author draws

Gabor Maté’s issues are with evidence, not the West and with public health, not medicine, but who takes him seriously? Lots of otherwise smart people seem to…or maybe not.

So what really is the truth about MDMA and PTSD. Does this research published in Science hold up to scrutiny is is there a problem. Watch this space

The largest number of authors (12) are with MAPS. The for-profit corporation will manage sales for prescription MDMA when it is approved by the FDA

Readers, including even experts, are falling for a hard sell job by venture capitalists who launder their funding of the study through a nonprofit foundation and seek not legalization

Evidence that the newspaper is not sufficiently detached from promoters to provide an open-minded but skeptical perspective that readers should be able to expect.

Journals are a big part of the problem of misrepresented or misinterpreted data. They seduce researchers with temptations that they cannot resist

Judging from Amazon reviews, there really seems to be a mutual admiration society of advice gurus and self-help experts just loving each other’s work. All self-help merchandise have ratings way above average

When evidence faces off against the power of celebrity status and charisma, the evidence is left lying face down in the street. That becomes particularly important to take into account during a pandemic in which people are dying from misinformation.

This past year, the Netherlands Board on Research Integrity (LOWI) concluded that a former professor of psychology at Leiden University was guilty of breaching several rules of scientific integrity.