Author Profile

Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa
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Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa is a NY Times featured Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine specialist in clinical practice for over 20 years. He is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, and Sleep Medicine. He is a prolific writer, with dozens of peer-reviewed scientific articles and medical blog posts. He is a Physician Leader and published author. His latest book is "Code Blue," a medical thriller.
United States
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Associate Regional Medical Director
University Attended
Rush Medical College
Graduated Year
Fields of Interest
Pulmonary Disease Critical Care Medicine Sleep Medicine
6 months ago no Comment

The battle against critical illness in the ICU is self-evident. The battle against an ignoble death is paramount for me.

11 months ago no Comment

At Long last. The CDC has updated its guidelines with respect to Covid isolation. This has been a long time coming, and many in our field are relieved that the CDC finally changed its guidance with respect to how long people should isolate if they test positive for COVID-19. First, the guidance itself removes a specific […]

1 year ago no Comment

The NY Times published an article about violence against healthcare workers. It was heart-wrenching to read: Last year one of my patients was on the phone, lamenting about how long he had been in the emergency room. He had already waited several hours to get a CT scan. Medications he was supposed to be given were repeatedly […]

1 year ago no Comment

I travel quite a bit for work. For the most part, it runs smoothly. There are times, however, where it does not. Recently, I was traveling to one of our practice sites in the morning. The plan was to take the first flight out, have meetings during the day at my sites, and then fly […]

1 year ago no Comment

Let me get this out of the way: Yes, physicians earn a very good living. Many, if not most, physicians make way more money than the overwhelming majority of the population. In fact, many specialists make way more than the President of the United States. In order to make that money, however, it takes literally decades […]

2 years ago no Comment

For more than a year, I have stopped consuming diet soda. My go to drink was Diet Coke, and it was not uncommon for me to consume almost a 12 pack a day. I enjoyed the taste, it did not have any sugar, and it was a substitute for food, allowing me to decrease my […]

2 years ago no Comment

The intensive care unit can be a very intimidating place, not only for patients, but for their doctors and nurses as well. Usually, only the sickest of the sick get admitted to the ICU. In many countries around the world, in fact, an admission to the ICU is synonymous with a death sentence. It is […]

Covid Risk groups after vaccination
2 years ago no Comment

Vaccination against SARS CoV-2 has made a tremendous difference and impact on the course of the SARS CoV-2 pandemic. This is indisputable. Vaccination against SARS CoV-2 has saved lives. That is indisputable. That said, it is clear that vaccination against SARS CoV-2 also comes with risks. It is not completely benign. That is also indisputable. Specifically, […]

2 years ago no Comment

On April 10, 2023, President Biden signed H.J. Res. 7, which ended the national emergency order for COVID-19. The Public Health Emergency by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is set to expire on May 11. I also recently celebrated the end of mandatory universal masking at my hospital. We have definitely turned a corner […]

Claim Denied
2 years ago no Comment

Clinician documentation is everything. It tells the story of the patient’s current condition and what is being done to fix it. Against it patients’ charts are coded for billing and reimbursement. Upon it insurance companies can deny level of care or specific DRGs. And upon it malpractice lawyers build a prosecution against clinicians. Like I […]

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