The evolution of Hydroxychloroquine. From malarial treatment to snake oil for curing Covid. America’s love affair with quackery and snake oil explored
The Central Dogma of Biology. Biological information flows along a one-way street, or does it? A new paper questions the validity of long-held tennents.
Nicholas Wade suggested the Wuhan laboratory was a possible source for the coronavirus. He used David Baltimore smoking gun comment to validate his theory.
Biden has given the US intelligence community 90 days to come up with answers about Covid Origin and the Wuhan Laboratory. China is unlikely to co-operate
Nicholas Wade debunked by real virologists. His Origin of Covid theory is flawed. He misinterprets and misrepresents science and scientists. Wade is exposed
Reiner Fuellmich has been spreading misinformation about the coronavirus based on his gross misinterpretation of the PCR Test. A scientist sets him straight