The health impacts of the mandated 16 vaccines (spread over 72 doses, before the age of 18) have never enjoyed close scrutiny.

Our planet is doomed unless we address climate change. That is the refrain science would have you believe, but is it actually true? Four years ago, we would have accepted science’s opinion with only a modicum of questioning. In 2023, post-pandemic, we no longer believe and the reasons are self evident. We have forgotten that […]

This is the story of how an innocuous byproduct of adrenaline (epinephrine) called adrenochrome, first discovered in the fifties, has evolved into one of the most dangerous urban legends of our time. Satanic rituals, urban legends and abducted kids are all familiar topics to most of us and with the release of the Sound of […]

This article examines charitable giving and the use of donor funds in the charitable healthcare sector, aid primarily earmarked for disadvantaged communities across the globe. While it is true that much of this money has reached it’s target audience, it is the manner in which it is utilized in these communities and the dependencies it […]

The article that prompted this one was published recently in Medscape and the title alone deserves submission to the Oxford Dictionary under the term oxymoron. “Serious Mental Illness Not a Factor in Most Mass School Shootings” deals with research that shows only a fraction of mass shootings are perpetrated by someone that can be currently […]

MAY 30, 2023, AUSTIN, TX – Clinics IV Life, a Texas-based not-for-profit led by a global team of global humanitarians working to counter the climbing rate of maternal mortality in emerging nations, announced yesterday that it has commenced construction in the Philippines on the first of its new hybrid charity-built/self-sustaining clinics that will offer free maternal […]

All the discussions centering around the mRNA Covid shots miss one fundamental point in their haste to point to either all the possible side effects and death and mayhem, or the life saving technology that delivered an mRNA brew miraculously concocted in weeks. That point is our current understanding of genomics, or rather, our lack […]

During the pandemic, almost every American was subjected to a PCR test, sometimes on multiple occasions. Where are your data now?

Democrats are unintentionally engineering the erosion of the nation’s access to basic healthcare and essential services such as reproductive choice, seriously jeopardizing the bodily autonomy their wives, friends and colleagues have advocated for, for so long. They are also, perhaps, not by design but by timidity, impacting the mental health of their current and future […]

In 2020 in the U.S., the maternal mortality rate for non-Hispanic Black women was 55.3 deaths per 100,000 live births, 2.9 times the rate for non-Hispanic White women.