Rare and Orphan Diseases




It’s Time to Reconsider Deadly Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy

The little-talked-about or diagnosed syndrome may be more prevalent in healthcare than we know.

Rare – Always Present and Never Forgotten

The experience of attending Rare Disease Day at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) exceeded the confines of the definition for rare and instead should be more appropriately defined as extraordinary shares a new Medika author.

India’s Pivotal Regulatory Shift: A Possible Game-Changer in Expediting Medicines to Millions in Dire Need

“Go to India” May Be a Key Market for Pharma Company Growth and Global Public Health

Invisible Disabilities Need Our Attention and Understanding Like No Others

Subtle differences in behavior and ineptness in social interactions are only some of the overt symptoms of neurodivergent disorders.