A Doctors Life




Drugs are Rapidly Becoming Healthcare’s Greatest Burden

Drugs have become our fallback for almost everything. Practitioners in general are massively guilty of doling them out as a panacea for socially compromised adults. Adults that possess no life skills or coping mechanisms are simply drugged into oblivion.

Old Medical Oath Needs Refresh From the Original Hippocratic Version

Graduating medical school students traditionally swear allegiance to the Hippocratic Oath, which they assume mandates that they “first do no harm,” but it is dated and now coming under fire.

Proving Vaccine Safety Without Relying on Science

It's the hottest debate of the year. How safe is the Covid Vaccine? Should you get it? What are the risks? What's the point if you can still catch the coronavirus? Why bother if you still need to wear a mask? Will it make you sterile?

Health Possibilities We Can’t Afford to Block

Fixing one piece of the healthcare puzzle is encouraging - but is it transformational? Here are 10 things we can consider to make things better.