



The Perils of Colorful Sweets

EARLY-ONSET COLORECTAL CANCER INCIDENCE IS rising, with more disease cases among those under age 50 years. The risk has been rising globally since the early 1990s. Scientists...

Preventing Breast Cancer Recurrence

My goal forward is to make exceptionally educated, not fear-based, decisions and choices for my life and health. I want to live to at least 100 years old and do so with strength, style, grace and confidence. And cancer-free.

Are You Exposing Yourself to This Potentially Lethal Chemical?

ARE YOU EXPOSED EACH DAY TO PHTHALATES, chemicals in everything from makeup to plastic containers? A new study from New York University suggests that such exposure may...

Was Covid Testing Used to Harvest Your DNA?

During the pandemic, almost every American was subjected to a PCR test, sometimes on multiple occasions. Where are your data now?