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Medicine, wellness, mental health, addiction, and parenting. See my blog Published Amazon author: Of Death and Brokenness. License number is 175694 with the Texas BON. Graduated from Austin Community College (ACC) in December 1999.
United States
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Fields of Interest
Medicine, wellness, mental health, addiction, and parenting
5 months ago no Comment

Home health and aging at home are a growing trend – here’s what you need to know

5 months ago no Comment

Understanding the presence of scary thoughts, impulses, and sensations in child abuse survivors (but can occur with anyone).

9 months ago no Comment

My goal forward is to make exceptionally educated, not fear-based, decisions and choices for my life and health. I want to live to at least 100 years old and do so with strength, style, grace and confidence. And cancer-free.

9 months ago no Comment

Part One: How Important Is Adequate Sleep And Rest?

1 year ago no Comment

The expertise, knowledge, training, and intuition that constitute a good nurse, create an absolutely invaluable, supportive role in medicine and in society.

1 year ago no Comment

A paper on how prenatal drug use and overdose traumatize a new life before birth

1 year ago no Comment

Recognizing what your child’s “Poker Face” means and how to drastically reduce the incidence.

Mastectomy Patient
3 years ago no Comment

Being poor can get you killed. A damning indictment of breast cancer Providers from a Medicaid survivor of a double mastectomy.

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