Clinical Trials




Covid’s Elephant in the Room. We Must Address it

This article is based on probability, rather than certainty. The author is of the opinion that at some point the two terms become interchangeable....

The Data Are In: Steroids Should Be Standard Of Care For COVID-19

Multiple studies were published in JAMA with respect to steroids and outcomes in COVID-19. The most important one was a meta-analysis, which is a study of multiple randomized trial data

Tech Marches On, While Humanity Drags Its Feet

I thought it would be fun to look back at some of my predictions for health tech from almost a decade ago in Forbes....

First Drug Synthesized by AI Goes into Clinical Trials

If all goes well, thanks to artificial intelligence, we may soon have a new AI-synthesized drug capable of assisting OCD patients in managing their symptoms and thus leading normal lives.