Author Profile

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Early career at the National Cancer Institute's Baltimore Cancer Research Center developing new approaches to infection prevention and treatment of leukemia and lymphoma patients. Then the head of infectious diseases and director of the University of Maryland Cancer Center followed by senior leadership positions in the Medical School and Medical System culminating as CEO of the University of Maryland Medical Center. Now the author of 7 books on health and wellness, our dysfunctional healthcare delivery system & the crisis in primary care. Lover of nature. Happily married for 58 years.
United States
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Physician, Author
University Attended
Yale School of Medicne
Graduated Year
Fields of Interest
Infection in Cancer Patients. Organization, Leadership, Governance, and Operation of Academic Medical Centers. Fixing the primary care crisis Advances in medicine - science and technology. The evolving healthcare delivery process. The 21st-century plague - obesity and its associated diseases. Coping with the coronavirus pandemic.
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1 year ago no Comment

Companies can change how they pay for healthcare coverage so they and you get a much better deal — happier, healthier staff with employees and companies spending less.

2 years ago no Comment

Are Direct Primary Care and Concierge Medicine Practices Too Expensive?
No, They Actually Save You Money While They Keep You Healthy.

2 years ago no Comment

Long Covid symptoms such as intense fatigue, brain fog, sleep disorders, fever, loss of smell and/or taste, headaches, tremors and others, even after mild infection are common and are not trivial.

2 years ago no Comment

This is the 15th article on America’s dysfunctional healthcare system.

Comprehensive primary care for employees means better health, greater productivity, less absenteeism and lower costs for both employee and employer.

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Change Will Need To Be Forced by Patients And Their Doctors.

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Do It By Improving Employee Health — It Works! This is the 13th article in a series on America’s dysfunctional healthcare system.

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Comprehensive Care Improves Health Yet Reduces Total Costs

2 years ago no Comment

Better Quality, Less Frustration and Reduced Costs. What a Bargain

2 years ago no Comment

This is the 10th article in a series on America’s dysfunctional healthcare system.

2 years ago no Comment

This is the 9th article in a series on America’s dysfunctional healthcare system

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