Clinical Trials




Texas: Migraine Clinical Study Participants – Men and Women

Apply to Cedar Health to participate in a clinical study about Migraines. This study is open to both male and female participants. Migraines

Covid’s Elephant in the Room. We Must Address it

This article is based on probability, rather than certainty. The author is of the opinion that at some point the two terms become interchangeable....

It’s Time for New Tools to Overcome Smoking

Yesterday marked the 36th year that the world observed World No Tobacco Day. This relatively obscure milestone masks a stalled effort to curb consumption of combustible cigarettes and other nicotine-related products. It’s unlikely most people paid any attention. But the impact of smoking is all around us, even if we don’t see it. Statistics rarely tell a provocative story to compel people to action.

This Is Why We Should NEVER Rush A Vaccine To Market

We need a vaccine for Covid-19. It is a matter of life and death. At the same time, that vaccine has to be proven to be safe and effective