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MacArthur Medical
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Our vision is to be the community leader in women’s and pediatric health. Through technology and teamwork we empower women and educate children. We are a trusted partner who embraces diversity and fosters a culture of respect and loyalty treating the whole person with innovative excellence.
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Macarthur Medical Center
3 years ago no Comment

A Pediatricians offers advice to parents who have questions about the safety of the children given the rise of the Covid delta variant.

3 years ago no Comment

Health providers must provide adequate information regarding the risks and benefits for informed consent to take place through shared decision-making.

Inducing labor
3 years ago no Comment

Advice on inducing labor during pregnancy. Labor induction methods do not work for everyone, and here’s why.

3 years ago no Comment

A doctor explains how her covid vaccine allowed her the privilege of spending time with her frail and elderly grandmother

3 years ago no Comment

Genital herpes is a common viral sexually transmitted infection affecting up to 20% of the population. To combat misinformation, we need to educate ourselves about genital herpes facts.

3 years ago no Comment

A pregnant patient shares her journey to overcome opiate addiction to hydrocodone by starting Suboxone.

3 years ago no Comment

Here are some of the most common myths and the reasons why you shouldn’t believe them.

3 years ago no Comment

One of the most important things we can do to protect our children is to ensure that they are properly immunized on time and in compliance with the immunization schedule set by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Manual breast pump with milk, mother and baby at background
3 years ago no Comment

Your success and value as a human and your ability to be the very best you can be for your baby is NOT tied to your ability to adequately lactate

4 years ago no Comment

Birthing terror stories. Nothing makes me more upset than hearing the delivery tales of terror from friends and family that come to *support* a laboring woman

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