Do You Have an Autistic Child?

We need your help. Share your experience with other parents to warn of the dangers of treating autism with quackery and harmful chemicals and products.

Kratom, the Undiluted Truth. Is it a Dangerous Drug or a Godsend?

There are two sides to Kratom and two distinct views of it in the public’s mind. Kratom users see the drug as a lifesaver. Some of them consume it for pain, others, as a means to wean themselves off opioids

Exposing the Dark World of Predatory Health

Predatory Health is the greatest challenge modern healthcare faces. Practitioners of predatory health are undermining trust in vaccines and proven medical practices.

Reflecting on the Native Americans’ Vaccination Success

With ethnic minorities still lagging in vaccinations in the US, examples, and lessons from Native Americans efforts to vaccinate their communities should be learned from