Habits for Healthy Minds




Questioning the Truth That “Body Language” Tells All

Experts have come out of the woodwork to offer their insights into the true meaning and what body language reveals about someone, but is it cross-cultural or are there other considerations here?

Tackling Night Shift Worker Health Perils; Failure to Act Is Unhealthy

Shift work, in some professions, is unavoidable, but it also comes with mental and physical health issues, and workers need to begin to practice self-care to counteract these problems.

To Meet Regularly Or Not? That Is The Question

Let's examine the pros and cons from a therapist's and client's perspective.

Grieve As You Must, and Break Free of Believing in the “Steps”

Too many therapists and their patients have been led to believe there’s a formula for grieving and that everyone must process the five steps—nonsense.