Feeling “Stuck” Is Part of Healing

Tips from a chronic pain recovery therapist

Feeling stuck, frustrated, and “back to square one” is a normal part of the healing and growing process. But the feeling doesn’t actually mean you’re not making progress.⁠

As we heal and grow, our nervous system will naturally resist change. It’s not trying to sabotage us. It’s just trying to keep us safe in the ways it’s most familiar with. And so the healing and growing journey may feel something like this:

Photo Provided by Author

Whenever I hit one of those moments when I feel stuck, frustrated, and like “it’s never gonna get any better!” — here’s something I remind myself of:⁠ ⁠

I’ve been here before, and I’ll be here again. When I’m in the thick of it, it always feels like it’ll last forever. But that story is just a feeling — not a fact. In truth, it always passes. The periods of stuckness are punctuation marks on a journey of growth.

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This moment of stuckness will pass. And there will be other moments of stuckness up ahead. But the stuckness is not the everything. The stuckness is a speed bump on the road of healing and growing, preventing your mind-body system from transforming at a pace faster than it can handle.⁠ ⁠

Healing and growing is a complex process that doesn’t happen in a straight line or on a predictable schedule. What if feeling “stuck” is actually a delicious, loving, life-serving invitation to slow down and be kind to yourself?

With love, admiration and unlimited belief in you,



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Anna Holtzman
Anna Holtzmanhttp://www.annaholtzman.com
Anna Holtzman is a chronic pain recovery therapist and coach based in New York City.
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