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Lisa is a student of Gestalt Psychotherapy in her third year of five. Spanning a twenty-year career, she has worked with Fortune 500 companies and start-ups coaching technology teams to be empowered, accountable, and purpose-driven. Lisa is naturally drawn to themes close to her heart; leadership, socialization, adoption, and conflict resolution. Today she lives at Rice Lake in the beautiful Kawartha area of Southern Ontario, Canada, with her German Jagd-Terrier dog Astor.
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Lisa Bradburn
First Name
Last Name
Lisa is a student of Gestalt Psychotherapy in her third year of five. Spanning a twenty-year career, she has worked with Fortune 500 companies and start-ups coaching technology teams to be empowered, accountable, and purpose-driven. Lisa is naturally drawn to themes close to her heart; leadership, socialization, adoption, and conflict resolution. Today she lives at Rice Lake in the beautiful Kawartha area of Southern Ontario, Canada, with her German Jagd-Terrier dog Astor.
Profile Validation
Gestalt Psychotherapist In Training and Corporate Coach
University Attended
Carleton University Ottawa Ontario, University of Toronto, Ryerson University Toronto
Graduated Year
Fields of Interest
Tech Addictions, Adoption, Socialization, Conflict.
Lisa Bradburn
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Gestalt Psychotherapy Practitioner: Looking to experience a different modality and are curious about Gestalt? Gestalt therapy is an approach to personal transformation that invites a fuller presence and awareness of the here and now, thus allowing you the possibility of more excitement, energy, and courage to live your life directly. People come to Gestalt therapy seeking support in times of challenge and transition, a desire to explore unfinished business, find creative solutions in relationships, and to decrease levels of fear and anxiety. In 2021 Lisa will be available to begin Gestalt Psychotherapy private practice. Inquiries can be made through the Toronto Gestalt Psychotherapy school at The student school rate is $40/hour while Lisa works towards obtaining the 1000 hours required to apply to the Ontario College of Registered Psychotherapists (CRPO)
183 Robins Road, Roseneath Ontario
Validation Status
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Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing is an effective protocol to reduce trauma; a case study shows us how.

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How to accelerate recovery, feel recharged, and rejuvenated

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