Anxiety and Depression




How Past Sexual Abuse Can Show Up As (Harm) OCD

Understanding the presence of scary thoughts, impulses, and sensations in child abuse survivors (but can occur with anyone).

A Second Language May Be Your Defense to Ward Off Dementia in Your Life

Growing up, my mother had family and friends who came to our home, and all of them spoke in a language I didn’t understand....

No Tsunami of Mental Illness Accompanies Covid-19

Patients diagnosed with COVID-19 were likely to be experiencing some anxiety (worried) or depressive symptoms (sad, pessimistic) that were not serious enough to justify a diagnosis of major depression or a serious anxiety disorder.

Quitting Alcohol Drops Your Cancer Risk, Right? Not So Fast.

THERE IS NOT STRONG EVIDENCE TO PROVE THAT CUTTING DOWN (or completely stopping) alcohol intake will significantly reduce the risk of most cancers. Yes, I, too,...