Anxiety and Depression




Standing Up for Yourself Can Reduce Social Anxiety

When I act like I matter, connecting with others feels safe and good. When I act like I don’t matter, connecting with others feels unsafe and uncomfortable.

If You Don’t Set Boundaries, a Symptom Flare-Up Might Step In and Do It For You

If we are conditioned to always say “yes,” we may find ourselves in conflict with our body when it says “no.”⁠ ⁠

Physician Suicide Is a Daily Occurrence

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. Health care providers are not immune. In fact, physicians take their own lives at twice the rate of the general population.

Adult Bedtime Stories: Researched Fact or Clever Marketing?

The pandemic has worsened insomnia experienced by adults in the US. It is a disturbance that adds to the difficulties the virus has wrought...