Editors Choice




Uncovering Hidden, Frustrating Loopholes of the Arcane DRGs in Healthcare

Hospitalization is not a question of being in the hospital and receiving treatment; discharge is a major factor. As a hospital patient, have you wanted...

More Time With a Primary Care Provider Means – Better Care, Lower Costs and Less Frustration – A Win, Win, Win

This is the 10th article in a series on America’s dysfunctional healthcare system.

Psilocybin as an Antidepressant for Cancer Patients Who Are Not Depressed

Research concerning the role of psychedelics in mental health treatment and its superb publicity campaign depends on millions of dollars raised by venture capitalists.

Vaccine Distribution is Failing Our Minority Populations

A recent study found that 4 in 10 adults found the vaccine process difficult, and another 4 in 10 adults reported needing assistance to schedule their vaccination