Editors Choice




Open letter to Mr. Emmanuel Macron, President of France on the Iran Regime’s Repression of Women’s Rights

TRANSLATION OF THIS IMPORTANT OPEN LETTER "Actions Santé Femmes is a French NGO committed to the health of women in great difficulty all around the...

What Science Has To Say About “Herd Immunity”

The precise scientific term is “indirect protection” or “community immunity.” This is the protection against infection of a susceptible group of individuals

ACOG Statement on the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine

ACOG issues a statement to its members on the temporary withdrawal of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine following reports of rare blood clotting condition.

10 Seconds to Predict Your Mortality

STORKS WIN! NEW RESEARCH ILLUSTRATES the ability to stand on one leg for at least ten seconds is strongly associated with our death risk over the next seven years.