Editors Choice




One Pill and Done for Covid is a Serious Concern

The Covid-19 pandemic has already killed over 800K Americans and countless, perhaps, millions worldwide. It has disrupted people’s lives in every conceivable way from the economy,...

Is GPT Digital Health’s Inflection Point?

Is GPT Digital Health’s Inflection Point? While disappointment prevails, change may be in the air.

Environmental Innovation in Israel: A Laboratory for Climate and Sustainability Solutions

A world facing climate change that threatens human health and long-term existence needs proven models that point the way to achieving a sustainable future. Israel, poised to join the inner circle of climate leaders, is a success story and a model for others to follow.

Before Looking at the Results of the Paper on MDMA to Treat PTSD…

So what really is the truth about MDMA and PTSD. Does this research published in Science hold up to scrutiny is is there a problem. Watch this space