Editors Choice




Heart Disease and Depression

Family history. High blood pressure. High cholesterol. Excess weight. These are the risk factors for heart disease that your doctor typically talks to you about.  Yet, there is...

Millions of Rural Americans Rely on Private Wells. Few Regularly Test Their Water

More than 43 million Americans rely on private wells, which are subject to a patchwork of state and local regulations, including standards for new construction. But in most cases, residents are free to use outdated wells without having them tested or inspected.

Another AFLDS Quack, Meet Dr. Peterson Pierre

I bumped into this individual on Twitter in a short video where he explains to the masses about the benefits of Ivermectin and Suramin...

10 Top Tips to Drop Your Breast Cancer Risk

BREAST CANCER MORTALITY IS DROPPING, but are you doing all you can to reduce your risk of getting (and dying) from the disease?