Editors Choice




Medicine and Hope Are Allies in Care

For centuries, scientists have pursued treatments and cures for pressing and frightening illnesses. Throughout that time, we have called upon shamans and mystics, spiritual...

mRNA Technology, Human DNA and The Traffic Flow of Genetic Material

Can RNA from a SARS-Cov2 infection find its way into our DNA. A recent preprint suggests reasons why genetic viral material is showing up in PCR tests

Consumerism in Healthcare

A new and developing force in medicine will add a new set of dramatic changes: the force of consumerism. No longer will you, as a patient, be willing to be “patient.”

Questioning the Truth That “Body Language” Tells All

Experts have come out of the woodwork to offer their insights into the true meaning and what body language reveals about someone, but is it cross-cultural or are there other considerations here?