Sexual Health




Governor Makes Abortion in Texas A Crime if Roe v. Wade Is Overturned

Texas Governor Greg Abbott signs law making abortion a felony if Roe v Wade is overturned.

Pap smears Aren’t Fun But Can Save Your Life by Preventing Cervical Cancer

Regular pap smears for cervical cancer prevention save lives by detecting HPV and precancerous cells called cervical dysplasia long before cancer develops.

Experts Say Covid-19 Vaccine Is Not Linked to Miscarriage or Infertility

Covid misinformation on social media circulate regarding a false link between Covid-19 vaccination and miscarriage.

Egg Freezing Fights Fertility’s Biological Clock

No one should tell a woman when or if she should have a baby. That decision is up to her, but she needs to know all her options before it is too late.