Sexual Health




6 Ways to Treat Erection Problems

We might think of erection problems as something only older men experience. Being able to get or keep an erection can affect men at any age. Treat your

Frigid Women, Orgasms, and Keys to Implications and Emotional Turmoil

Women have been targeted as frigid, cold, repressed, and infinitely resistant to sexual pleasures, but are they unwitting victims, or are there other causes for anorgasmia?

Women and HIV in the US

One in four people living with HIV in the United States is a woman. Women of all ages, races, and ethnicities can get HIV, but some women are more at risk than others.

Bacterial Vaginosis; What to Do When Your Vagina Smells Bad

Bacterial vaginosis is a common, non sexually transmitted vaginal infection causing discharge and foul-smelling odor.