Sexual Health




The Truth about Douching

Doctors recommend that you do not douche. Douching can lead to many health problems, including problems getting pregnant. Douching is also linked to vaginal infections and sexually transmitted infections

8 Tips to Solve Vaginal Dryness and Overcome Painful Intercourse

Vaginal dryness is a common condition affecting 50–70% of women after menopause. A lack of lubrication is the most common cause of dyspareunia

Are Direct Primary Care and Concierge Medicine Practices Too Expensive?

Are Direct Primary Care and Concierge Medicine Practices Too Expensive? No, They Actually Save You Money While They Keep You Healthy.

Preparing for: Hysteroscopic Myomectomy

Prepare yourself for a Hysteroscopic Myomectomy, an easy way to remove submucosal uterine fibroids.