Habits for Healthy Minds




Music Enhances Mood, Boosts Memory, and Plays a Role in Aging

Music is resistant to memory being extinguished and has been found to have a role in both soothing and stimulating us, as well as being an aid in therapy..

Depression Scales and IQ Measures Fail Some Who Need Help the Most

Psychological testing has a circuitous and questionable path to widespread acceptance as a reliable evaluation tool. The question posed for mental evaluation designed by Alfred Binet, i.e.,...

We’re Gaining a Lot of Weight

OVER ONE-THIRD OF ADULTS IN THE USA gained at least ten pounds over the last ten years. That is the finding recently reported in the Journal of Obesity.

Your Brain Benefits From Walking

I AM NOT GOING TO LIE: I worry about losing some of my cognitive abilities as I age. A new study confirms my belief that exercise can...