Anxiety and Depression




U.S. Prepares Launch of a National Three-Digit Number for the Mental Health Crisis Hotline

As the federal government prepares to launch the national three-digit number “988” for the mental health crisis hotline next month, a new KFF analysis shows that suicide death rates increased by 12 percent in the decade from 2010 to 2020 — with death rates rising the fastest among people of color, younger individuals, and people who live in rural areas.

Learn to Forgive Yourself and You Do a Great Service to Yourself and Others

Once you’ve accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you. — Anonymous Forgiveness isn’t always easy. We may not think we deserve forgiveness...

Depression isn’t Caused by Low Serotonin Level, Are SSRIs still Effective?

Several previous studies have concluded that SSRIs can significantly reduce the risk of depression. However, a recent study refutes this.

Forget New Year’s Resolutions and Make a Plan Now

The New Year brings challenges and opportunities, and we need to plan ways to handle both.