



Who is at Increased Risk From Covid-19?

New information emerges daily on groups at risk from serious Covid-19 complications. Check your risk from Covid-19 against the latest data.

How Long Does SARS CoV-2 Survive on Human Skin?

Frequent hand washing is absolutely essential when it comes to ways that we can reduce the spread of Covid-19. The question is, why is it so important?

COVID-19 Vaccine Talk; Here Is Why We Need to Tap the Brakes

  Covid-19 cases are once again on the rise. Hospitalizations are increasing. The prospect of a brutal third wave seems more likely than ever. We...

Having Antibodies May Indeed Protect You From COVID Re-infection

There has been so much confusion and conflicting answers to questions of whether having immunity to COVID-19 is long-lasting, especially if you have mild infection. The way to really answer this question is to deliberately infect people who have recovered from COVID-19 with the SARS-CoV-2 virus again