Editors Choice




This Vaccine Has Been Wildly Successful

VACCINES HAVE SLASHED RATES OF HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS. Physicians began recommending the first vaccine for the remarkably common sexually transmitted HPV virus in 2006 in the United States.

Ivermectin is NOT Hydroxychloroquine. Why is the FDA Ignoring a Potential Covid Treatment?

Ivermectin has shown promise as a potential treatment. It needs to be urgently evaluated under the guidance of the FDA

Unhappy or Depressed Teens and Social Media’s Involvement Isn’t So Simple

Access to the internet with thousands of respondents doesn’t seem to be the only thing causing mental health issues with teens.

Fraudulent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Products

An essential resource from the FDA warning people about Covid-19 Scams and fake treatments. Over 139 products listed.