Editors Choice




The Science of the Med Diet: Unveiling Its Potential Role in Dementia Prevention

DEMENTIA IS A GROUP OF CONDITIONS THAT AFFECT MEMORY, thinking, behavior, and more. The disease is a growing concern worldwide. While there’s no guaranteed way to prevent...

The Ruthless Monster That Is Sepsis

The fever and diarrhea were relentless. For almost one week straight, it just would not stop. That was despite good antibiotic therapy. This was...

It’s Time to Up Our Messaging Game Ahead of Another Winter with COVID

This is not the time to roll out stale messaging delivered by a carousel of health officials trying to convince the public to get the test kits.

The Silver Lining of Our Moral Distress with Covid

Are doctors developing apathy towards covid patients or do they still view them with compassion? A frontline doctor examines his empathy