Editors Choice




How to Wee Away your UTI. New Research from Rutgers

Not all cranberry juices are created equally. Find out why PACS are so important to reducing your risk of UTI. New research from Rutgers

Record Numbers of Californians Die From COVID-19, Surgeon General Promotes Yoga and Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences

When evidence faces off against the power of celebrity status and charisma, the evidence is left lying face down in the street. That becomes particularly important to take into account during a pandemic in which people are dying from misinformation.

Kids Are Affected by Climate Change in Ways We Rarely Consider

Climate change isn't solely a matter of warming air and seas, it affects kids both mentally and physically.

Multi-drug Resistant Bacteria Found in Dog Food

Understandably, the world has been hyperfocused on the global SARS CoV-2 pandemic. It has wreaked - and continues to wreak - havoc on many...