Editors Choice




America’s Frontline Doctors Want to Become the New Republic’s NIH

America's Frontline Doctors want you to call them now so they can prescribe dangerous medications based on a brief telehealth call, all for only $90

Up to 35 Million People May Already Have Had Adverse Vaccine Reactions

Adverse reactions or side effects to the Covid vaccine have left millions affected with no clear path to medical assistance. Who accepts the responsibility?

The Journey from Analog Patient to Virtual Health Consumer

Provider behavior must follow patient-consumer behavior. Health systems and physicians that are slow to adopt could find themselves quickly falling behind in the healthcare marketplace in the years to come.

Travel? Don’t Forget This.

HERE’S ME: IPAD TO WATCH FILMS? CHECK. Kindle for reading books and the New York Times? Again, check. Chargers for all my gear. Got it....