Editors Choice




Guilt Is a Weapon, and We Need to Defend Ourselves

Too many people cannot recognize how guilt is used to manipulate and control their lives, but there are defenses, and we need to use them.

Depression isn’t Caused by Low Serotonin Level, Are SSRIs still Effective?

Several previous studies have concluded that SSRIs can significantly reduce the risk of depression. However, a recent study refutes this.

5 Prenatal Yoga Poses To Stop Pregnancy Aches and Pains

Prenatal Yoga improves fitness, strengthens muscles, and increases flexibility to improve the discomforts of pregnancy. Prenatal yoga alleviates some of the pregnancy pains and also relaxes the mind.

One Pill and Done for Covid is a Serious Concern

The Covid-19 pandemic has already killed over 800K Americans and countless, perhaps, millions worldwide. It has disrupted people’s lives in every conceivable way from the economy,...