Patient Zone




Clinical Trials for Bacterial Vaginosis in Dallas, Forth Worth Area

About 1 in 10 women of reproductive age are affected by endometriosis. Local physicians at Cedar Health Research are initiating new research studies in hopes of finding potential new treatment options

The Spleen

The Spleen forms an integral part of the lymphatic system. Explore other free anatomical medical resources from Medika Life's Patient Resources

Kratom, the Undiluted Truth. Is it a Dangerous Drug or a Godsend?

There are two sides to Kratom and two distinct views of it in the public’s mind. Kratom users see the drug as a lifesaver. Some of them consume it for pain, others, as a means to wean themselves off opioids

An Extensive List of Symptoms for Covid-19

Check your symptoms for Covid-19 and know when you should seek medical help. Covid-19 symptoms are very similar to influenza